Friday, November 19, 2010

Values and CRT

If you were to ask someone like myself what my values are, I would say that at this point
in my life they are something like the following:
1. Learning all I can about the word of God and thus growing in my relationship with him.
2. Investing in friendships that God has given me.
3. Local church ministry
4. Outreach
5. Rest.
However, if you were to look at my calendar and my budget, you would see that I just lied to you because some of those are true, but there are some contradictions. Sometimes I find myself spending more time wandering in the woods than I do in church ministry every week. I spend more time watching movies and dabbling on facebook than I do having actual conversations with friends. I spend more time waiting for my PC to boot up than I do sleeping and more time picking my nose than doing outreach. Therein lies a contradiction because values are determined by what we actually do with our lives not by what we say we want to do. We have been given x amount of money and 24 hours a day with seven of them per week and like it or not, what we do with them determines what our values actually are.
Well we are college students so all our money is pretty much gone or accounted for, but we still have 168 hours a week. Where does that go? I know for me I want it to go to that first list of values. And since I am apparently outreach challenged, I would like to remedy that situation.
Well recently my friend Cassie presented an opportunity to me that could be the answer for me. Community Response Team (CRT), a long lasting legacy at Multnomah that has apparently dropped through the cracks with some transitions going on in the leadership structure. It is a ministry in which Multnomah students actually get up on a Saturday morning (Gasp!) and grab some tools and go serve individuals in our community through yard work and a variety of other tasks, touching lives and building relationships, one at a time. So Michael Boyd and myself have committed to rebooting this foundational ministry of Multnomah and assembling a team around the following vision and core values.

Community Response Team is,
Committed to bringing the Gospel to our neighbors through service

-Serving our neighbors
-Emphasizing relationship
-Depending on the Holy Spirit through prayer

If outreach is something that you would also like to make a value, I would encourage you to do so in whatever way fits best with your other values and your giftings and abilities. Michael and I would like to make CRT one opportunity for you to join us in making outreach a core value. If you would like to join our team we need people with a variety of gifts and abilities to do this ministry well so please come talk to us.

Picture from Day of Outreach Sp. 09